Text production in the context of progression of textual genres:: propositions of textbook

This article analyzes the text production in textbook Portuguese language, in order to investigate the progression of strategies in the proposed activities. Taking as theoretical support the concept of progression discussed by Dolz e Schneuwly (2011), the study of school progression and text product...

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Principais autores: Silva, Jéssica Pereira da, Costa-Maciel, Débora Amorim Gomes da
Formato: Online
Publicado em: Portal de Periódicos Eletrônicos da UFRN
Endereço do item:https://periodicos.ufrn.br/educacaoemquestao/article/view/11810
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Resumo:This article analyzes the text production in textbook Portuguese language, in order to investigate the progression of strategies in the proposed activities. Taking as theoretical support the concept of progression discussed by Dolz e Schneuwly (2011), the study of school progression and text production of teaching made by Leal and Brandão (2006); as well as textual production concepts addressed by Geraldi (2010), by Guedes (2009) and by Koch (2003). When it comes to the typology of the research, it is a qualitative approach, on interpretative basis. The didactic work investigated presents a work with the writing in a systematic way and under the bias of textual progression. In short, it is believed that analyzing the progression in the activities of textual production of textbooks can contribute significantly to the systematic teaching of writing.