Gestão da Orçamento Pessoal: Uma Análise do Planejamento Orçamentário Pessoal dos Alunos de Administração do Campus Currais Novos - CERES/UFRN.

This project aimed to analyze the capacity of planning and management of the personal budget of the Management students of the Currais Novos campus - CERES / UFRN. Drawing a parallel between the students of the first period and the ninth period. It was justified by the interest in evaluating the lev...

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Autor principal: Silva, Saullo Grégory Sousa
Outros Autores: Jesus, Andrea Cristina Santos de
Formato: bachelorThesis
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
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Resumo:This project aimed to analyze the capacity of planning and management of the personal budget of the Management students of the Currais Novos campus - CERES / UFRN. Drawing a parallel between the students of the first period and the ninth period. It was justified by the interest in evaluating the level of knowledge about personal budget planning, taking into account that they become managers and administrators in private or public organizations and have to deal with order budgets and numerals of larger scales. In order to analyze the questions raised in the research, a survey was carried out, analyzing the profile of the students of the Administration course, based on their capacity of budget planning, identifying the level of personal budget planning, in order to analyze it, as well as identifying the characteristics of budget planning and their preparation.