Repovoamento do Beijupirá Rachycentron canadum na costa do Rio Grande do Norte, nordeste do Brasil

One of the viable proposals for the recovery of populations in decline or endangered is the technique of restocking, which consist in releasing species grown in captivity in their naturals habitats through reintroduction and restocking programs. The present study aimed to determine the viability of...

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Autor principal: Silva, Erika Belarmino
Outros Autores: Nóbrega, Marcelo
Formato: bachelorThesis
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
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Resumo:One of the viable proposals for the recovery of populations in decline or endangered is the technique of restocking, which consist in releasing species grown in captivity in their naturals habitats through reintroduction and restocking programs. The present study aimed to determine the viability of restocking of the beijupirá on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, considering the survival and the possibility of increasing the biomass of the specie. Between July 2014 and August 2015, 47.222 Rachycentron canadum fingerlings produced in captivity were released in the localities of Macau, Rio do Fogo and Baía Formosa in sandy bottoms, mud, gravel and rock, in marine areas with depth range from 3 to 15 m (mean: 7,8 ± 5,3 m). The size structure average of the fingelings released was 13,7 ± 1,5 cm and the weight was 11,7 ± 4,5 g. The specimens were tagged on the first dorsal fin with different colors for each locality. A total of 1,530 individuals were recaptured, representing 3,24% of total reintroduced. Of the total recaptured 522 individuals were measured and weighted individually. The size structure ranged from 17 to 98 cm (mean: 50, 3 ± 10,6 cm) and the weight ranged from 50 to 5,750 g (mean: 864,9 ± 653,7 g). The most frequency of recapture occurred in gravel bottoms (63,7%), followed by mud bottoms (22,5%), sandy (9,6%) and rock (4,2%). The depth of occurrence of the recaptured individuals ranged from 3 to 30 m (mean: 15 ± 5,3 m). The localities that presented the most frequency of recapture were Baía Formosa (53,7%) and Macau (39,5%), with low frequencies in the localities of Rio do Fogo (6%) and Porto do Mangue (0,8%), in spite of the locality of Macau presented the most frequencies of recapture in relation to the individuals of beijupirá which were not measured and weighted. The relation size-weight estimated for the individuals of beijupirá recaptured resulted in equation PT=0,073*CT2,360 (R²=0,72). The individuals of R. canadum recaptured presented growth allometric negative (b=2,360). The number of individuals of beijupirá quantifiable in the recaptures revealed reasonable, however, the plastic tags utilized in the fingerlings of R. canadum showed unviable as method of tagging for too little fish, but the local community engagement along with the traditional knowledge were fundamental in the identifications of restocking specimens on whether they had either culture or wild origin, reveal important for the restocking project development.