O uso da metodologia ágil como processo de desenvolvimento participativo de sistemas

In a context in which the development team is not able to deliver the amount of requests for new improvements, a process that prioritizes what will add maximum possible value for the system is desired. Using a process with too much formality can slow the progress of the project. On the other hand, t...

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Autor principal: Gonçalves, Marcus Vinícius Guedes
Outros Autores: Bastos, Helena Rugai
Formato: Dissertação
Publicado em: Brasil
Endereço do item:https://repositorio.ufrn.br/jspui/handle/123456789/25022
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Resumo:In a context in which the development team is not able to deliver the amount of requests for new improvements, a process that prioritizes what will add maximum possible value for the system is desired. Using a process with too much formality can slow the progress of the project. On the other hand, the total lack of formality does not ensure that project objectives are met. An agile development methodology such as Scrum can meet these requirements, with frequent deliveries, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, and improvements in commitment, motivation, collaboration and knowledge exchange among the development team. The objective of this paper was to describe the Scrum implementation process and, using participatory design techniques, the build and use of a tool to support activities according to Scrum practices, enabling the collaborative registration of information, facilitating the monitoring of progress by the entire team and assisting in project management.