Teoria política e democracia no Brasil: questões conceituais

The article exposes the notions of representative democracy and public sphere (Habermasian) from the theorization about democracy and political representation. It starts from the Greek conception of democracy to reach the institutional framework of representative and deliberative democracy. The poli...

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Autor principal: Rezende, Dannyel Brunno Herculano
Formato: Online
Publicado em: UFRN
Endereço do item:https://periodicos.ufrn.br/interlegere/article/view/32659
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Resumo:The article exposes the notions of representative democracy and public sphere (Habermasian) from the theorization about democracy and political representation. It starts from the Greek conception of democracy to reach the institutional framework of representative and deliberative democracy. The political theory developed also emphasizes the Brazilian liberal conception of democracy and the existing space of the public sphere. These notions unfold until reaching the questioning of the laicity of the state, which expands the problematization of liberal democracy, in face of the present challenges to the confrontation of religious liberties and common values of citizenship. The debate emphasizes the relevance of the permanent reflection around democracy, the institutional arrangement and its particularities, very much questioned nowadays. For the most part, we resort to bibliographical references already consolidated in the area, namely: Miguel (2003; 2014; 2017), Miguel and Biroli (2014), Manin (1995), Dahl (1997), Habermas (2014; 1997), among others.