Addressing the topic of startups demands a study on innovation and entrepreneurship, the meaning of these themes, their origins and the historical paths traversed. When you dig deeper for startups in the financial market, the theoretical framework is reduced significantly due to how recent is this t...

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Egile Nagusiak: Jorge, Ricardo Reolon, Urich, Lucas Gerardi, Junger, Alex Paubel, de Andrade, Alexandre Acácio, Blumetti Facó, Júlio Francisco
Formatua: Online
Argitaratua: Max Leandro de Araújo Brito
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Etiketak: Etiketa erantsi
Etiketarik gabe, Izan zaitez lehena erregistro honi etiketa jartzen!
Gaia:Addressing the topic of startups demands a study on innovation and entrepreneurship, the meaning of these themes, their origins and the historical paths traversed. When you dig deeper for startups in the financial market, the theoretical framework is reduced significantly due to how recent is this theme. Focusing on fintechs in Brazil, the information is even more recent and is mainly present in specialized sites, with few relevant published academic research. The fintechs in Brazil can be divided into 10 segments and some are better established, with companies already well-known and disputing directly with traditional companies. Others came to create markets and assisting the client throughout your relationship with your financial life. Even not figuring among the top countries when it is fintechs, the Brazilian ecosystem of startups of the financial sector is much branched and diverse. There is space between consumers so that the growth continue and the players of the market can further expand its business coming from this way to challenge traditional companies and established in the market.