Memórias alagadas: a Amazônia Oriental e os projetos hidrelétricos, o caso da UHE de Estreito (MA/TO)

This study is meant to examine the present tensions in the memories of riparian affected by hydroelectric plant Strait - MA / TO. Ears social actors are former residents of a fully flooded by the dam location, known as Island of St. Joseph. Today, families living on this island are distributed in se...

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Principais autores: Silva Júnior, Cícero Pereira da, Petit, Pere
Formato: Online
Publicado em: Portal de Periódicos Eletrônicos da UFRN
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Resumo:This study is meant to examine the present tensions in the memories of riparian affected by hydroelectric plant Strait - MA / TO. Ears social actors are former residents of a fully flooded by the dam location, known as Island of St. Joseph. Today, families living on this island are distributed in settlements located in the state of Tocantins. All testimonials are resettlement of residents "Mirindiba", situated 20 km from the city of Araguaína-TO. As a methodological framework we used the Oral History, taking for granted that the memory is individual action anchored in socially constructed categories, since as much as the experience of facts is individual and subjective, always takes place in a socially located quadrature.